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Midnight Commander. Midnight Commander is a Norton Commander clone, a program that manipulates and manages files and directories. It is useful, fast, and has color display on the Linux console. It also has mouse support if you run the gpm mouse server. This program requires the terminal description files in /usr/lib/terminfo, which are found in ncurses.rpm (the essential ones) or terminfo.rpm (the rest). You can also use Midnight Commander under the X Window System with your mouse. If you enter 'mc -c', colors are used. In Midnight Commander, the screen is divided into four sections: The majority of the screen is covered by two directory panels. The second to last line on the screen is the shell command line. The last line displays the function key assignments. At the very top, the menu list is shown. One of the directories displayed is the current working directory. This is where most of the commands are found. For certain commands, like copy and move, the second directory is used as the target directory.

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